About Joe Fisher Author

When the Hugs Came

Joe is what could be termed a Multi-Potentialite, a many stream creator, author, spoken word poet, presenter, writer, comedian, event host, warm up man and that’s just right now. See www.themanonthemic.com for more of that. Add those to another list about to emerge and you’ll see that Joe is one of those creatives that either gets bored quickly or achieves his goals and moves on.

Joe Fisher

Beginning his work life as a nursery nurse (one of the first males in the UK), then a children’s actor, care worker, youth worker, community worker, radio presenter - can you see where the Multi Pontentialite phrase comes into being?

Then into the world of events and media where he met the world of sport, becoming a stadium announcer for football, concluding in announcing for the London 2012 Olympic Games. Then a cycling announcer, including world and British championships (huge list) a warm up man, (small list) and into charity and mass events such as an MC/Announcer for The Virgin Money London Marathon, Macmillan Mighty Hikes, Prostate Cancer March for men and many more.

So basically, Joe Talks but he also writes, hence this website.

Book illustration at the station


 When the Bugs Came - Images copyright Andy Gray